Norwood is well-known as the most popular place in the Bronx closer to Bedford avenue and Mosholu Pkwy. Its history of beings during the revolutionary war. The area was used as a camp during the Revolutionary War in the late 1770s and early 1780s. When British soldiers made camp amid the present-day neighborhood. The neighborhood has changed after the British revolutionary in the 1970s. It has become home for immigrants from the Catholic area until the Irish civil war. 25 years after the neighborhood and community begin to populate with Hispanics. Then it is to become a Bangladeshi population of Muslim community that has been growing through years in East Norwood and until today. Asian being to migrate during the great depression and world war 2 before the Bronx population made up largely of European-origin Catholic, Protestant, and Jewish families affluent enough to leave Manhattan. Then the place was taking my Hispanic, Latinos and Asian. according to the Urban areas, it said, “In the first half of the twentieth century Norwood shared with the rest of the Bronx a population made up largely of European-origin Catholic, Protestant, and Jewish families affluent enough to leave Manhattan. These populations were joined by Puerto Ricans during the Great Depression and post-World War II eras, and, post-1965, by other Latinos (especially Dominicans), Bangladeshis, Albanians, West Indians (especially Guyanese), West Africans (especially Ghanaians), and a new group of Irish immigrants” (2019). This shows us how Asian Americans migrated to Norwood. It is becoming like Jackson’s height, big Bengali community. What I mean by that, then go to a store its either Asian or Bangla that would help you and the langue that speaks its Bangla or Urdu. Restaurants are run by Asians in Norwood and Jackson’s height is the same. Norwood is also one of the communities that being ruined my Asian or Bengalis.

In Williams bridge oval park it will know for Bangle’s like a resting park or peaceful area to have fun. The usual play the major sports that are famous in the middle east and Europe countries like cricket and football (soccer). The oval park also offers a free gym for students under 18 years of age and anyone over 18 pays 15 dollars a year. Also, they have English as a second language (ESL) tutoring on Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday for Bengali Asian women in the gym. The parks used to be a praying area for Muslims during Eid Al-Fitr and Eid Al-Adha. According to Norwood news by David Cruz, “hundreds of Muslims in the northwest Bronx converged onto Williamsbridge Oval Park end masse on Sept. 12 for the fifth annual celebration commemorating Eid-ul Adha” (2016). This shows us unity between the committee gathering all together to use the oval park as an event and have classes to help people or committee.

As we enter the committee in East 205 Norwood, three fourth of neighborhood and the works are all Bengalis excepts for delis and the fast-food companies. It’s hard for non-native to understand or to find direction. When I went to a restaurant in 3111 Bainbridge Ave in Norwood, the boss was nice, he also comes to talk to me. As if he knew me from before and we talk for 30 minutes. As I was supervising the story. It was hard for non-native to order food. Because half of the staff they use on food is unknown to them. The workers try so hard just to help them get the food they want. The store gets crowed at every single prayer time. during Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha. It became like a big family like everyone knows one another yelling from one place to another. This is a good place to get to know people and to a member of your culture.
As we continue to discover more about the neighborhood and its culture, its culture grows, and language adopts. The more people come to relive their culture in Norwood. As I did my tour, I found out people from Bangladeshi knew one another from before. Bengalis have a social connection with one another and try as much as they can bring in people. According to The Bronx Ink by Jasmeet Sidhu, “Mohammed Hussein estimated he helped bring about 34 family members from Bangladesh to the Bronx” (2011). Mohammed Hussein immigrated in late 1981 to New York City ever since he tries to bring more people to Norwood. Until today Norwood keeps on growing, its culture and religion. The committee has an open arm and they welcome newcomers.

As we continued the tour, I was amazed that they had a big mosque with five floors. The last time I remember we were struggling to keep mosques open for the whole year. Due to paying rent on time or not even covering half of that amount. It’s still existed until Today we are struggled to put the whole committee together to open up a mosque. But I’m proud of what I saw in Norwood big committee of Asian Americans gathered together to open up beauty mosque where people don’t need to squeeze between one another. I member the last time when I come to Norwood in 2015, we used to pray in a basement apartment next to the trach. Now it’s different, we’re on different levels, people feel more comfortable. According to Norwood News by Jose Giralt, “Although the NBIC does not keep records on the worshippers’ country of origin, Hussain, who is originally from Bangladesh, describes the makeup of the congregation as being predominately Bangladeshi followed by Yemeni, Pakistani, and Albanian Muslims. “And we have from other countries, too. I don’t want to leave anyone out,” said Hussain” (2019). A big community gathering together from different countries to make a beautiful thing happen. As a Muslim, we always fight between one another. But we should look up Norwood as a role model. The growth in the Muslim community is growing, this shows us friendship between one another. According to Norwood News by Jose Giralt, “The growth in Norwood’s Bangladeshi population has been accompanied by an increase in the Muslim community, which hails from other countries as well” (2019). Norwood news sees the big difference in community and growth so this something that Asian Americans should look at it and teach their kids about Islam.
Overall, Norwood is well respect and it feels like family. People came and go but they will never forget the community of Norwood. the people are welcoming and they aspect any race. They have a lot of programs that would and could help any native speaks. Norwood is the best place for any region.
As I take my tour in Norwood, I wanted to talk about the community and how they change the whole system to benefit them and the newcomers. But everything that they did is not been mentioned in social media or newspapers. Something like this should be shown to the whole communities in the united states. As Asian American or Muslim American, it’s hard to keep a balance of life to pay rent upon mosque and sometimes we lose touch of our culture which Norwood makes you relive your culture.
Work Cited
“Norwood, The Bronx (History).”,
News, admin Welcome to the Norwood. “Muslims Celebrate Eid-Ul Adha at Oval.” Norwood News, David Cruz, 15 Sept. 2016,
“Bengali Enclave Grows in Norwood: The Bronx Ink.” News and Features from New York’s Greatest Borough, 9 Dec. 2011,
News, admin Welcome to the Norwood. “Demand Already High for Norwood’s Newly Opened Islamic Center.” Norwood News, 9 Oct. 2019,